
Welcome to UpSpike Healthcare’s Compensation Page! We’re all about saying a big “thank you” to our hardworking team. Here’s what we’re all about in super simple terms: 

Our Compensation Philosophy: 

  • We pay you well to attract and keep top talent. 
  • If you do an awesome job, we’ll give you bonuses. 
  • We help you grow your career here. 
  • We want you to have a good balance between work and life. 

Compensation for Empanelment Specialist: 

  • If you work from home, you get 30% of the job’s value. 
  • If you’re at our location, you get 50%. 
  • There’s also a performance bonus of 10% based on timely completion of projects, proper documentation, client communication, employee training, and troubleshooting. The bonus is determined by our company director and HR. 

Our goal is to ensure that Empanelment Specialists are rewarded not only for their efforts but also for their commitment to our healthcare transformation mission. 

Compensation for CGHS/QCI Consultant: 

  • Your pay depends on the projects you work on. 
  • If you work remotely, you get half of the project’s value. 
  • If you are locally present for the project, then your pay increases to 70% of the project value. 
  • The payments are done after the project completion. 

Our compensation structure for CGHS/QCI Consultants reflects our commitment to recognizing their vital role in ensuring that UpSpike Healthcare complies with the highest healthcare standards set by the Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) and the Quality Council of India (QCI). 

Ready to join our team? Send your application to We can’t wait to hear from you! We believe our team is the heart of our success, and we’re here to make sure you’re happy with your pay and your job. Come join UpSpike Healthcare and be part of our awesome crew!