Our Hiring Process


Initial Sourcing

Whenever a job opening arises within UpSpike Healthcare, our recruitment or hiring process begins. The hiring manager collaborates closely with our dedicated recruiter to define specific conditions and requirements for the ideal candidate. 

Sourcing Candidates 

We employ a multi-faceted approach to sourcing candidates, casting a wide net to find the best talent. Our search spans various platforms, including but not limited to: 

  • Job Portals: We actively search for potential candidates on platforms such as Naukri.com, Indeed, Apna Jobs, and other relevant job portals. 
  • LinkedIn: Leveraging the power of Boolean search to pinpoint talent. 
  • Employee Referrals: We encourage our team members to refer exceptional candidates from their professional networks. 

In addition to these platforms, we tap into our network to discover exceptional candidates. 

Shortlisting Candidates

Upon receiving a pool of CVs from various sources, our recruiter meticulously screens them against the job requirements. Shortlisted candidates are promptly communicated to the hiring manager. 

Communication with Shortlisted Candidates

Initial Communication

Our recruiter takes the lead in reaching out to shortlisted candidates via phone calls or WhatsApp messages. During this initial contact, we gather preliminary information such as location, experience, current employment details, salary expectations, and educational qualifications. 

Interview Scheduling

Once confident candidates are identified, the hiring manager schedules interviews and communicates the date and time to the recruiter. The recruiter, in turn, promptly notifies candidates about the interview details via phone call or WhatsApp. 

Interview Process

We conduct interviews through platforms like Google Meet or Zoom, with the presence of both the hiring manager and our recruiter. Candidates attend these interviews as per the scheduled timings, and if they successfully meet our criteria, we inform them of their selection. 

Documentation and Onboarding

Documentation Process

For selected candidates, we initiate the documentation process. This involves collecting essential personal details and information required for the employment contract. This typically includes full name, contact information, identification documents, banking details, and a copy of the updated CV. 

Contract Preparation

Our team meticulously prepares the employment contract, customizing it to align with the provided candidate details. The edited contract is then sent to the candidate for their review and signature, using our official email. 

Contract Signing

We patiently await the candidate’s signature on the contract. Once the signed document is received, the offer becomes valid. 


With the signed contract in place, the candidate officially joins the UpSpike Healthcare team and embarks on their journey with us.